Title | Decription | Date | Type | Link to Document |
A Statutory Definition of Charity – Pros and Cons | April 24, 2017 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
Jurisdictions with Statutory Definitions of Charity | April 24, 2017 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
A Statutory Definition of Charity – Reports | April 24, 2017 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
Thoughts on Charity as a “Moving Subject” in Australia and Canada | April 24, 2017 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Chief Justice’s Law Reform Committee, Queensland Report of the Law Reform Commission on the Law Relating to Trusts, Trustees, Settled Land and Charities | An examination of the law relating to the powers and duties of trustees with a view to preparing an improved and modern Trustee Act. |
May 29, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
National Council of Social Service, Report of an Independent Committee of Inquiry to Examine the Effect of Charity law and Practice on Voluntary Organisations (Goodman Report) (1976): | Explanation of Goodman Report |
August 18, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
The Commission on the Future of the Voluntary Sector in Scotland (1997). Head and Heart: | This article describes the work of the commission, and gives a summary of the main recommendations, which after many hours of, at times, lively argument, were finally agreed. It describes how it chose to define the voluntary sector, and the main differences between the sector in Scotland and the rest of the UK. |
August 18, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Department of Treasury, Regulation, Research Papers Volume V (1977) (United Kingdom): | The Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs commissioned this study of the present relationships between the federal government and private philanthropy and what changes, if any, might be made. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Report on Variation of Charitable Trusts” Law Reform Institute of Tasmania | Examines the current status of Charities Law in Tasmania and its recommendations. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Monitoring and Control of Charities in England and Wales– 1986-1987 | Examines the monitoring and control of charities in England and Wales by considering the work of the Charities Commission, Home Office and Office of the work of Inland Revenue. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Charities: A Framework for the Future – 1989 (Scotland and Ireland)- | Translates the main aims of the Woodfield Report into legislative proposals. |
August 18, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Katz Commission Report, Ninth Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Certain Aspects of the Tax Structure of South Africa (1997). | The Commission appointed a Sub-Committee to review existing fiscal legislation affecting Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs), and to advise with reference to possible changes therein with a view to achieving a more supportive fiscal environment. |
August 18, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Voluntary Sector Round Table Panel on Accountability and Governance in the Voluntary Sector, Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada’s Voluntary Sector (1999)(Broadbent Report). | The Panel on Accountability and Governance in the Voluntary Sector was an initiativeof the sector for the sector to aid in this process of adapting to change. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Working Together: A Government of Canada/Voluntary Sector Joint Initiative | A report on federal government and the voluntary sector discussions in Canada to foster a more effective and strategic relationship, which would better serve Canadians. Three areas were the subject of exploratory talks: building a new relationship, strengthening capacity, and improving the regulatory framework. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
National Council of Voluntary Organisations, For the Public Benefit? A Consultation Document on Charity Law Reform(2001)(United Kingdom) | In 1998 NCVO established a Charity Law Reform Advisory Group to assess whether the law on charitable status should be amended to ensure a good fit with today’s circumstances. This report is the result of their work. It has been produced with the benefit of contributions and ideas from a . . . |
August 18, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Charity Scotland, Report of the Scottish Charity Law Review Commission (2001) (McFadden Report) | The structure of regulation and support for the charitable sector in Scotland and the operational effects of Scottish legislation on charities of all types and size. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Council of Europe, Fundamental Principles on the Status of Non-Governmental Organisations in Europe: Open Meeting of Contacting Parties to the European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organisation | Freedom of association is effective only where it goes hand-in-hand with legislative measures facilitating its exercise and respecting the value of NGOs’ contribution to society. Although they can be fostered by passingf avourable legislation, awareness of and respect for NGOs’ contribution develop only where NGOs themselves undertake to behave in . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Panel on the Nonprofit sector, Strengthening Transparency Governance accountability: A Final Report to Congress and the Nonprofit Sector (2005)(United States) | This report includes and expands the ideas contained in the Panel’s March 1, 2005, Interim Report, and will intensify this effort. It begins with an overview of the charitable community, including its achievements,scope, and existing programs to improve ethics and accountability. It then describes the Panel on the NonprofitSector, focusing . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Canada Revenue Agency “Consultation on Proposed policy on Fundraising by Registered Charities” (CRA, 2008) | This policy statement replaces the policy statement “Applicants that are Established to Hold Periodic Fundraisers”, CPS 001, and provides information for registered charities on the treatment of fundraising under the Income Tax Act. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Canada Revenue Agency, “Consultation on Proposed Guidelines for Research as a Charitable Activity” (CRA, 2008) | Within the Proposed Guidelines, the CRA sets out its proposed policy pertaining to “the legal and administrative requirements a registered charity is expected to fulfil in order to conduct or fund research as a charitable activity. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
Parliament of Australia Senate, “Inquiry into the Disclosure Regimes for Charities and Not-for-Profit Organisations.” | An examination of the not-for-profit sector in Australia. |
June 22, 2016 | Reports and Studies | Open Document |
The Best Policy | By Peter Broder Notwithstanding his reputation as a lynchpin of conservative economic thought, Adam Smith quietly warned of the danger of ceding to business interests authority over regulation of the public weal. That warning comes to mind in light of the recent news of the likely termination of Canadian International . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Regulatory bias | By Peter Broder It is now a commonplace that the traditional distinctions between the private, public and voluntary sectors are becoming blurred. There is undoubtedly an element of truth to that, given the rise of “triple bottom lines”, public-private partnerships and interest in social enterprise in the voluntary sector. But . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Cutting fair process? | By Peter Broder Keynesian economics enjoyed an unexpected resurgence in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis. There was wide consensus that governments should spend to make up for the drop in demand resulting from the stock market and housing price meltdowns. Politicians’ affinity for ribbon cutting ceremonies being what . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Facing contradictions | By Peter Broder Twenty years or so ago, as a novice international co-operant, I can remember at my in-country orientation, being told of the need to “learn to live with the contradictions”. Perhaps that was a fitting message for a bunch of gung-ho international development workers itching to change the . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Transparency for all? | By Peter Broder Starting this past January, the House of Commons Standing Committee of Finance began a series of hearings on tax incentives for charitable donations. Although mandated specifically to deal with donation incentives, the Committee delved into a number of other concerns with charity operations. Among the topics that . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Budget features challenging charity rule changes | By Peter Broder The March 2011 Budget, which is expected to be re-introduced with the Conservative victory in the May 2nd election, featured several important changes to federal regulation of charities and other organizations eligible to issue tax receipts. The changes extend the powers of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) . . . |
June 22, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Glacial evolution of legal meaning of charity in Canada | By Peter Broder Nearly a half-century ago, Lord Wilberforce considering a House of Lords case which touched on the definition of charity, commented on the imperative “to keep the law as to charities moving according as new social needs arise or old ones become obsolete or satisfied.” In Canada, the . . . |
May 29, 2016 | Commentary | Open Document |
Charity and Politics In Canada — A Legal Analysis | Noted charity law scholar and retired justice of the Ontario Superior Court, Maurice Cullity, Q.C., has written a discussion paper examining the common law and Income Tax Act considerations relating to Canadian charities undertaking political purposes or activities. |
May 29, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Public Television Association of Quebec v. Canada (National Revenue) | Public Television Association of Quebec v. Canada (National Revenue) was an appeal of a Canada Revenue Agency decision to revoke the charitable registration of a Montreal-based organization on the basis that it failed to devote all its resources to its own charitable activities, and thus had ceased to comply with the . . . |
May 29, 2016 | Court Case | Open Document |
Current Developments in the Application of Subsection 149(1)(l) of the Income Tax Act | Pemsel Board member David Stevens and his colleague, Faye Kravetz, have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the Income Tax Act provision under which non-profit organizations are defined, the case law interpreting its meaning and the Canada Revenue Agency positions on the requirements set out in the provision. |
June 22, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Joining in the Jurisprudence: Public Interest Litigation and Interventions in the Law of Charity | Miller Thomson Partner Andrew Valentine has researched and written a detailed analysis exploring the legal principles and procedures pertaining to interventions in law of charity cases in Canadian courts. |
July 19, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Charitable Activities under the Income Tax Act: An Historical Perspective | Pemsel Case Foundation Board member Carl Juneau is a former federal government official, who served in an executive role in the Canada Revenue Agency Charities Directorate and as a policy advisor in the Department of Finance. He has been following developments in Canadian charity law for more than four decades. |
July 19, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Political Activities and the Meaning of “Substantially All” –An Analysis for Registered Charities | University of Toronto Law School student Alicia Grant reviewed the treatment of the term “substantially all” in various Income Tax Act and other contexts and reports on her findings. |
June 22, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
The Canadian Income Tax Act and the Concepts of Charitable Purposes and Activities | Pemsel Case Foundation board member Carl Juneau explores the question of purposes and activities and proposes reform that would simplify both administration of, and compliance with, the regulatory regime under which resisted charities work. |
October 14, 2016 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Pemsel Political Activities Consultation Submission | October 13, 2017 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Regulating the Foreign Activities of Charities: A Comparative Perspective | Australian academic, Natalie Silver, has examined the approaches used by four countries to regulate charities’ conduct abroad and reports on her findings. |
August 11, 2017 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Regulating the Foreign Activities of Charities: A Comparative Perspective | July 10, 2017 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
Penalties on Charitable Organizations in the United States and Commonwealth Countries | November 9, 2017 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
Senate study offers opportunity for fresh look at charity issues | May 31, 2018 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Charitable Sector Reform: First Steps to Reality | A Look at Some Potential Changes: Former finance official Edward Short suggests how to focus the income tax act meaning of a charity more on the framework provided by the common law, and considers the consequences for other criteria for registration and the related policy issues that would arise. |
February 26, 2018 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Charity and Legal Publishing – The Relevance of Current Learning Resources | April 10, 2018 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Private Benefit in England and Wales | May 28, 2018 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
‘Ancillary’, ‘Incidental’ and Canadian registered charities – Concepts and Meanings | University of Toronto Law Student, Leigha Haney, explores the “Incidental and Ancillary” doctrine, and considers how it applies to Federal registered charities in Canada. |
May 29, 2018 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Charity versus Politics: Reforming the Judicial, Legislative and Administrative Treatment of the Charity-Politics Distinction | Legal scholar and Pemsel Foundation Board member, Adam Parachin, examines regulation of Canadian registered charities’ political purposes and activities and the policy basis for doing so. |
June 20, 2018 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Submission to the Senate Special Committee on the Charitable Sector: Senate Appearance October 22, 2018 | December 6, 2018 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Supplementary submission to the Senate Special Committee on the Charitable Sector: Senate Appearance November 5, 2018 | December 6, 2018 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Supplementary submission on Regulation of Political Activities to the Senate Special Committee on the Charitable Sector: Provided on November 26, 2018 | December 6, 2018 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Report of the Senate Special Committee on the Charitable Sector – A Response | Pemsel Case Foundation former Executive Director Peter Broder has written a paper exploring the various recommendations in the report of the senate special committee on the charitable sector, which was released last summer. |
October 2, 2019 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Administrative Law Issues Arising under the Registered Charity Regime | October 17, 2019 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
Direction and Control Series | June 9, 2020 | Occasional Paper | Open Document | |
Case Comment: Friends of Toronto Public Cemeteries Inc. v. Public Guardian and Trustee | October 6, 2020 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
Disbursement Quota Research Series | October 18, 2021 | Occasional Paper | Open Document | |
Fact Sheet: Foreign Interference | May 16, 2023 | Background Briefings | Open Document | |
The Appealing Illusion | The Pemsel Case Foundation Board Member Bob Wyatt has written a paper discussing the existing process for appealing charity registration refusal or revocation decisions and the increasingly common view amongst sector leaders and their advisors that such appeals should be heard by the Tax Court of Canada and involve a . . . |
February 7, 2024 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |
Letter to Hon. Marci Ien Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Minister of Youth: Income Tax Act – Pregnancy Counselling Centres | November 8, 2024 | Feature commentary | Open Document | |
What We Don’t Know Does Hurt Us | A Pemsel Case Foundation paper authored by Board Member Bob Wyatt examines transparency in Canada’s charitable sector, focusing on what information about charities and prospective charities is—or ought to be—released and to whom. The analysis explores the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) disclosure practices and restrictions, questioning whether these limitations impede . . . |
November 13, 2024 | Occasional Paper | Open Document |