The Appealing Illusion

Occasional Paper

The Pemsel Case Foundation Board Member Bob Wyatt has written a paper discussing the increasingly common view amongst sector leaders and their advisors that appeals from decisions refusing registration of a charity or revoking an existing charity’s registration should be heard by the Tax Court of Canada, and that they should involve a live (or de novo) hearing.

Fact Sheet: Foreign Interference

Pemsel Board Member, and former Department of Finance and Canada Revenue Agency Senior Official, Carl Juneau presents an overview of the issues and facts related to foreign donations to Canadian charities.

Pemsel names new Executive Director

Suzanne Clark has been named Executive Director of the Pemsel Case Foundation, effective April 1, 2023.

“Ms Clark brings a wide variety of experience in the nonprofit and business sectors,” said W. Laird Hunter, KC, President of the Pemsel Case Foundation. Her experience in publishing will help further the Foundation’s work in making information available to help explain legal issues in the charitable sector. Additionally, her experience heading a charity, and her work as a search consultant serving many charities, has given her first-hand experience in the issues that charities in Canada face. Ms Clark will support Pemsel’s Board of Directors as it embarks upon its new strategic plan and increases its efforts to explain and improve the regulatory system within which Canada’s charities operate. Ms. Clark can be reached at [email protected].

The Canadian Income Tax Act and the Concepts of Charitable Purposes and Activities

Pemsel Case Foundation board member Carl Juneau explores the question of purposes and activities and proposes reform that would simplify both administration of, and compliance with, the regulatory regime under which registered charities work

Background Briefings

Short descriptive writings on key issues and topics in charity law

Charities and Policy Advocacy during the Federal Election: What You Need to Know

a discussion, moderated by owen charters of boys and girls clubs of canada, with pemsel foundation board members susan manwaring and david stevens on the Canada revenue agency and other rules registered charities need to follow during the campaign in their policy work

Featured Commentary

Some observations on charity law and charity law reform

Charitable Sector Reform: First Steps to Reality

A Look at Some Potential Changes

Former finance official Edward Short suggests how to focus the income tax act meaning of a charity more on the framework provided by the common law, and considers the consequences for other criteria for registration and the related policy issues that would arise

Private Benefit in England and Wales

pemsel case foundation board member Lindsay Driscoll delves into the issue of private benefit and its treatment by the U.K. charity commission and courts

Charity versus Politics

Reforming the Judicial, Legislative and Administrative Treatment of the Charity-Politics Distinction

Legal scholar and Pemsel Foundation Board member Adam Parachin examines regulation of Canadian registered charities’ political purposes and activities and the policy basis for doing so

Report of the Senate Special Committee on the Charitable Sector – A Response

pemsel case foundation former executive director peter broder has written a paper exploring the various recommendations in the report, which was released last summer

Submissions to the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector

the foundation has submitted three briefs to the Committee setting out our regulation reform recommendations, our position on how best to determine the meaning of charity, and our views on the regulation of political activities


a discussion, moderated by margaret hancock, with pemsel foundation board members bob wyatt and carl juneau on the recently-released report and what sector leaders should take from it

Administrative Law Issues Arising under the Registered Charity Regime

University of Victoria Law Professor Dr. Kathryn Chan identifies some of the major administrative law issues in federal regulation of charities and proposes some areas of law for review and regulatory reform

Reflections from an Uncomfortable Fence: Recent Discussions on the Regulation of Canadian Charities Operating Abroad

pemsel board member, and former department of finance and canada revenue agency senior official, carl juneau has reviewed recent proposals to revamp the rules for charities engaged in projects with or delivering program through non-charities, and shares his thoughts on the issues and concerns crucial to any reform

Direction and Control: Current Regime and Alternatives

noted canadian charity law practitioners terry carter and theresa man examine the problems with the current canada revenue agency direction and control rules and – drawing on practice in other jurisdictions – propose some options for reform of this aspect of registered charity regulation

Foreign Activities by Canadian Registered Charities: Challenges and Options for Reform

From The Philanthropist

andrew valentine, a lawyer with miller thomson, explores the regulation of canadian charities when they work abroad with groups other than registered charities

Case Comment: Friends of Toronto Public Cemeteries Inc. v. Public Guardian and Trustee

Pemsel Case Foundation former Executive Director Peter Broder has written a commentary on a recent Ontario Court of Appeal case that considered whether or not the body operating Toronto’s Mount Pleasant Cemetery is a charity


the foundation submitted three research papers to the federal government's consultation on the registered charity disbursement quota, announced in the 2021 Budget, including an overview (featuring responses to the questions posed by Finance Canada for the consultation), an occasional paper and a data analysis

Letter to Hon. Marci Ien Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Minister of Youth

Income Tax Act - Pregnancy Counselling Centres

What We Don’t Know Does Hurt Us

A Pemsel Case Foundation paper authored by Board Member Bob Wyatt examines transparency in Canada's charitable sector, focusing on what information about charities and prospective charities is—or ought to be—released and to whom. The analysis explores the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) disclosure practices and restrictions, questioning whether these limitations impede the development of charity law and affect public trust in both the sector and regulatory oversight.

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Pemsel names new Executive Director

Suzanne Clark has been named Executive Director of the Pemsel Case Foundation, effective April 1, 2023. “Ms Clark brings a wide variety of experience in the nonprofit and business sectors,” said W. Laird Hunter, KC, President of the Pemsel Case Foundation. Her experience in publishing will help further the Foundation’s work in making information available to help explain legal issues in the charitable sector.  Additionally, her experience heading a charity, and her work as a search consultant serving many charities, has given her first-hand experience in the issues that charities in Canada face. Ms Clark will support Pemsel’s Board of Directors as it embarks upon its new strategic plan and increases its efforts to explain and improve the regulatory system within which Canada’s charities operate. Ms. Clark can be reached at [email protected].

Featured Commentary

Opinion on topical charity & non-profit issues. Read More

Background Briefings

Summaries of key issues in charity & non-profit law. Read more

Research Papers

Examination and analysis of major charities & non-profit law questions. Read More

Case Summaries



Browse Commentary

Court Cases

Browse Court Cases

Reports and Studies

Browse Reports and Studies

The Pemsel Case Foundation

On 20 July 1891, in the House of Lords in London, England, the judgment in the case of The Commissioners for Special Purposes of the Income Tax v John Frederick Pemsel was delivered.

Dr. Michael Gousmett gives a brief history of the context in which this seminal decision was taken.

Read More

Charity Law Timeline

Charity Law Timeline

Foundation of The King’s School, Canterbury

Charity Law Timeline

Original Magna Carta of King John

Charity Law Timeline

Reissued Magna Carta

Charity Law Timeline

Final version of Magna Carta

Charity Law Timeline

Statute De Viris Religiosis (later renamed the Mortmain Act, 1279).

Charity Law Timeline

Royal charter for London Bridge

Charity Law Timeline

Second Statute of Westminster (13 Edward 1).

Charity Law Timeline

Statute Quia Emptores (18 Edward 1)

Charity Law Timeline

Mortmain licence to the goldsmiths of London (15 Edward 3)

Charity Law Timeline

The Vision of Piers Plowman, attributed to William Langland

Charity Law Timeline

Statutes on mortmain (later renamed the Mortmain Act, 1391)

Charity Law Timeline

Visitation of Hospitals Act, 1414

Charity Law Timeline

Statute of Uses

Charity Law Timeline

Suppression of Religious Houses Act, 1535

Charity Law Timeline

Poor Relief Act

Charity Law Timeline

Poor Relief Act

Charity Law Timeline

Licence for charitable collections to repair a port

Charity Law Timeline

Charitable Uses Act,

Charity Law Timeline

Hospitals for the Poor Act, 1597

Charity Law Timeline

Charitable Uses Act, 1601

Charity Law Timeline

Falkland v. Bertie

Charity Law Timeline

Morice v. Durham (Bishop of)

Charity Law Timeline

British North America Act, 1867 (subsequently renamed the Constitution Act, 1867)

Charity Law Timeline

Abbott v. Fraser (P.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, 1888

Charity Law Timeline

Commissioners for Special Purposes of the Income Tax v. Pemsel (H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

The Income War Tax Act, 1917

Charity Law Timeline

Bowman v. Secular Society (H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

Re Orr; Cameron v. Church of Christ Scientist (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

I.R.C. v. Falkirk Temperance Café Trust (Scotland)

Charity Law Timeline

An Act to amend the Income War Tax Act

Charity Law Timeline

Keren Kayemeth Le Jisroel Ltd. v. I.R.C. (C.A., H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

National Anti-Vivisection Society v. I.R.C. (H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

Gilmour v. Coats (H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

Les Dames religieuses de Notre Dame de Charité du Bon Pasteur v. The King and Assessors of Sunny Brae (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

In re Cox; Baker v. National Trust Co. (P.C)

Charity Law Timeline

In re Shaw, decd. Public Trustee v. Day (Ch. D.)

Charity Law Timeline

Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (Canada) v. Beamsville & Annable (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Re Brier; Jewish Home for the Aged of British Columbia v. Toronto General Trusts Corporation (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Touchet v. Blais (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Income Tax Act registration regime

Charity Law Timeline

In re Pinion, decd. Westminster Bank Ltd. v. Pinion (C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Jewish National Fund v. Royal Trust Co. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada v. M.N.R. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Scottish Burial Reform and Cremation Society Ltd. v. Glasgow (H.L.)

Charity Law Timeline

Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales v. Attorney-General (C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Stouffville v. Mennonite Home Association of York County (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Re Bethel; Jones v. T. Eaton Co. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

McGovern v. Attorney-General (Ch. D.)

Charity Law Timeline

An Act to amend the Charities Accounting Act and An Act to repeal the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act (Ontario)

Charity Law Timeline

Re Laidlaw Foundation (Ontario)

Charity Law Timeline

Native Communications Society of British Columbia v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Alberta Institute on Mental Retardation v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Positive Action Against Pornography v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Toronto Volgograd Committee v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Everywoman’s Health Centre Society (1988) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Corporation Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours c. Communauté urbaine de Québec (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Briarpatch Inc. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Vancouver Regional FreeNet Association v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Action des femmes handicapées (Montréal) v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Human Life International in Canada Inc. v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Vancouver Society of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women v. M.N.R. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Alliance for Life v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Canadian Magen David Adom for Israel v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Canadian Committee for the Tel Aviv Foundation v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Reference re Earth Future Lottery (P.E.I.C.A.; S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Slobodrian v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Fuaran Foundation v. C.C.R.A. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

A.Y.S.A. Amateur Youth Soccer Association v. C.R.A. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Redeemer Foundation v. M.N.R. (S.C.C.)

Charity Law Timeline

Hostelling International Canada—Ontario East Region v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

House of Holy God v. A.G. Can. (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

Ballard & Coleman v. The Queen (F.C.A.)

Charity Law Timeline

News to You Canada v. M.N.R. (F.C.A.)